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To allow us to import your shipments directly into our program you shipment file should
have the following format in Excell or DBASE III.
Field Type Width Dec Description Needed
COMPANIA1 Caracter 35 0 Consignee Yes
DIR1 Caracter 35 0 Street Yes
DP Caracter 7 0 Postal Code Yes
CIUDAD Caracter 29 0 City Yes
CONTACTO1 Caracter 30 0 Contact No
TEL1 Caracter 15 0 Tel No
DESCRIP Caracter 30 0 Observations No
NO_MANIF Caracter 15 0 Your reference No
BULTOS Num. 4 0 Packets No
KGS_NCI Num. 6 1 Kilos No
REMBOLSO Num. 12 2 Cash on delivery € No
VALOR Num. 12 2 Value insured in € No

Excel example (XLS)